Headshot of Perennial Coaching Services founder, and Master Certified Life Coach, Christi Engle

Hi, I’m Christi Engle.


Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m a Certified Enneagram Teacher in the Narrative Tradition and an Internal Family Systems (IFS) informed Master Certified Life Coach. I am a wife and mother of two boys adult young men. I love traveling, cooking and baking, spending time with friends, taking walks, reading good books, playing board games, having deep conversations long into the night, and asking good (read: deep) questions. For those of you who are familiar with the language of the Enneagram, I lead with SP 6.

In 2017 I encountered the Enneagram, and I have been studying and applying this transformative tool in my own life ever since. I cannot overstate the impact it’s had on my spiritual journey, my understanding of Self, and my interpersonal connections. I completed my Enneagram Teaching Certification in 2022, under The Narrative Enneagram founded by esteemed instructors Helen Palmer and the late Dr. David Daniels. Additionally, I completed my double certification track as a Certified Professional Coach/Master Certified Life Coach through Certified Life Coach Institute in 2024. I currently meet with clients using these tools and skills in one-on-one or group settings, in my home office or on Zoom.

My great hope in my work as a teacher/coach is to bring the insights I’ve learned in my personal journey to others who are on their own path toward self-development and personal transformation. 

My passion is to see individuals move from operating in autopilot and reclaim a life of balance and integration, resilience, truth, freedom, wisdom, and true presence. My work is to help others facilitate inner awareness and access their inner wisdom which, in turn, affects their partnerships, their workplace relationships, parenting, friendship dynamics, and their relationship to their own Self. Together in coaching, we’ll engage curiosity, increase introspective awareness, explore insightful questions designed to help you access your inner wisdom, foster self-development, engage guided practices, and identify and align with your core values. As we bear witness to your story, you’ll increase your capacity for compassion for Self and others, and we’ll work through those life-long patterns that have been holding you back. I believe that you hold the key to your own growth, integration, and health. I’m simply a guide. The Enneagram is simply a tool. But when applied with an openness of heart, mind, and spirit, transformational transformation is possible. I invite you, in the words of Helen Palmer, to “Come in and do your work."

I’m available for retreats, workshops, panels, podcasts, event speaking, for introductory Enneagram presentations to your group, or to meet for individual sessions at my home office in Salisbury, Maryland or via Zoom. Hit the Connect with Christi tab to explore options.


It’s in alignment with my personal goals and values to create a space in which all are welcome and included. Therefore, this practice does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, creed, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, age, ability, or marital status.

As a certified Enneagram teacher and IFS informed Master Certified Life Coach, I am equipped to help you move beyond destructive patterns and stuck ways of thinking to unlock previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and self-leadership.